4 Preservation Tips To Help You Keep Your Beautiful Wedding Dress In Perfect Shape

For a bride, finding the perfect wedding dress is an essential part of the wedding planning process. The right wedding dress helps you create the perfect photos, videos, and other memories of the wedding day. The wedding dress can also become a family heirloom that you will pass down from one generation to the next. However, you will need to preserve the dress in ideal condition if anyone may want to re-wear it someday. Here are four wedding dress preservation tips to help you maintain the dress in perfect condition. 

Start the Preservation at the Perfect Time

The weeks after your wedding day will be extremely busy. From going on your honeymoon to settling into your new home, going through the wedding presents, and taking back everything you borrowed or leased for the big day, all of these tasks can take a lot of time. 

In the busyness of these tasks, you can forget about your wedding dress. Most people remember they want to preserve their wedding dress several months after their wedding. At this point, stains will have set in, making the dress harder to clean. It is advisable to take your dress to the cleaner immediately after the wedding day.

Avoid Treating the Stains Yourself

Some typical sources of stains on your wedding gown include makeup, wine, and food stains. They might seem easy to treat or handle yourself, but you might end up causing more harm to the dress. Therefore, you should let a professional dry cleaner handle the stains on the dress. Note that most wedding dress manufacturers use a combination of fabrics for the different parts of the dress. Therefore, if you use a stain treatment method meant for cotton on nylon, you cause massive damage to the material. The professional dry cleaner knows the safest way to handle stains on all dress fabrics. 

Choose a Cleaner That Knows Preservation

You will encounter countless dry cleaners in the market. Some are good at standard dry cleaning, while others specialize in preservation work. It is best to deal with someone who has prior experience in preserving wedding dresses. They will guide you and create a complete care plan for your dress.

Follow the Care Label

Every dress comes with a set of care instructions. One way to preserve the dress is by following the instruction on the label. Read and carefully implement what the care label recommends about caring for the dress. 

Preserving your wedding dress in perfect condition might seem a hard task, but it's quite simple with the right preservation tips. Remember to choose a competent dry cleaner to help you preserve your wedding dress. This way, you will maintain your beautiful wedding dress in excellent shape for many years and even pass it on to many generations after you. 
